Aktion Club
Single Service Project 2019-2020 Entry
Service Need
At an Aktion Club meeting, a representative of Happy Birthday Cha Cha Cha ( introduced us to their organization, a 501.C3 that provides birthday gifts to low income children at schools that are considered below the poverty line. We decided to sponsor a class at a local inner-city primary school, make birthday cards for the students, and host a gift-wrapping party.
Project Plan
The planning process for this service project included several discussions with the members. The Brighton Aktion Club discussed poverty and why some children may not receive a birthday gift. We brainstormed ways that we could assist Happy Birthday Cha Cha Cha. Once the group decided on creating birthday cards, we determined where to get the materials, how many to make, and different style ideas. We also decided to host a gift-wrapping party at CP Rochester and invite family members and Brighton K-Family members to assist.
Project Implementation
This single service project consisted of 6 one hour meetings throughout the winter. We showed our Abilities in Aktion through planning, brainstorming, decorating, writing, wrapping and organizing: In October 2019, all Aktion Club members participated in the project discussion and brainstorming for the birthday cards. During November 2019, the Brighton Aktion Club members used washi tape, stickers and markers to decorate over 200 birthday cards.
We wrote various birthday messages on the cards with the assistance of the Harley School Key Club members. On February 12th, the Aktion Club members hosted a birthday gift-wrapping party at CP Rochester and invited members of the Brighton Kiwanis Club, University of Rochester Circle K, RIT Circle K, Harley School Key Club & Brighton High School Key Club as well as their family members. We invited a member of Happy Birthday Cha Cha Cha to speak to the group about their organization and partnering with us. .
Aktion Club members selected gifts and pieces of wrapping paper to cut. We measured the size of paper to the toy and taped it together. The members’ favorite part was working with their Brighton K-Family to personally wrap over 50 birthday presents! In early March 2020, the 200 cards and 50 gifts were donated to second graders at RCSD School 22. With additional funding from Brighton Kiwanis, we were not only able to sponsor a class at School 22, but an entire grade!
Final Results
As a result of this project, the Brighton Aktion Club created over 200 birthday cards and wrapped 50 birthday gifts! Our Abilities in Aktion were displayed when the entire second grade at School 22 received gifts for their birthdays this year!
Public Awareness
Every birthday card had a Brighton Aktion Club logo on the back. The community learned about Brighton Aktion Club’s Abilities in Aktion through our posting photos and project information on the our website, the CP Rochester website, Happy Birthday Cha Cha Cha Facebook page, & the NY District Aktion Club Facebook page. Members of Brighton Kiwanis Club, University of Rochester Circle K, RIT Circle K, Harley School Key Club & BHS Key Club as well as CP Rochester family members assisted the Aktion Club with the birthday project & learned about the abilities of our club members.
Member Impact
From this project, all twelve Aktion Club members showed our Abilities in Aktion by learning about teamwork, leadership, compassion, and the importance of the helping low income young children in our community receive a birthday gift and card. Also, we had a great sense of accomplishment, as well as the satisfaction using our own skills and abilities to design birthday cards and wrap presents.
Additional Information
Personal messages from Aktion Club members:
Pat says “it means a lot that I helped kids get a birthday present in our community”
Chris says “I liked seeing the huge pile of presents that we wrapped”
Aktion Club wins NY Single Service Contest, Places 2nd Internationally
Wednesday, November 25, 2020